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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  December 13, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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>> but i was such a nice jewish girl, that i said, marlon, i can't stay overflight with you. i i will go with you for the day but you have to take me home. >> so marlon clearly wanted to do more than see the flowers with you. >> he wanted to sleep in the desert with me. >> you turned down marlon brando? >> yeah, absolutely. >> how did he take rejection? >> it was fine. >> a remarkable conversation with a remarkable lady. barbra streisand with me for the hour tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. east person that's all for tonight. ac 360 starts now. breaking news tonight. the woman believed to be president obama's choice for secretary of state says no thanks. u.n. ambassador susan rice. she was the one caught up in the controversy of her statements after the murder of four americans in libya. you will recall the president stood up for her using blunt language saying anyone who has a problem with her has a problem with him. instead there won't be
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confrontation because ambassador rice took herself out of contention writing the president she is honored to be considered for the office saying, i am now convinced that the confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive and costly and that trade-off is simply not worth it to our country. >> today i made the decision that it was the best thing for our country, for the american people, that i continue to be cred by the president for nomination of secretary of state because i didn't want to see a confirmation process that was very prolonged, very politicized, very distracting, and very disruptive because there are so many things we need to get done as a country and the first several months of the president's agenda is really the opportunity to get the crucial things done, we're talking about
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comprehensive immigration reform, balanced deficit reduction, job creation. that's what matters. and to the extent my nomination could have delayed, distracted or deflected priorities impossible to achieve i didn't want that and i would much prefer to continue doing what i'm doing, which is a job i love at the united nations. >> president obama accepted her decision to bow out calling her an extraordinarily patriotic person. with more on who led up to that decision, dana, what was the pivotal moment for all of this for ambassador rice? >> first of all with her chief foes, senators, mccain, graham and ayote. but more importantly a republican who hadn't quite made up her mind. that the moderate republican from maine, susan collins. by all accounts that meeting did not go well at all according to a source familiar with that meeting.
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she really didn't want to answer really basic questions and got frustrated and maybe even a little prickly at some of the basic questions and after that, the feeling, even among democrats who talked to republicans is they weren't sure if she can't handle meetings with u.s. senators, how is she going to be on the world stage representing the u.s. there. so that definitely was an issue. there's no question that the president in his statement made clear that he didn't think susan rice was treated fairly. there are no questions that politics were at play here. she illustrated that. but it was more than that. also personality driven. even democrats think she is very smart, very capable but doesn't have the right personality for this job. >> gloria, earlier i heard you say that ambassador rice was probably underestimated by the club. what did you mean from that? >> that was from a democrat close to the white house who says the club is really
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important on capitol hill. john kerry is the leader in that club. john mccain likes him an awful lot and would clearly go along with that nomination. also when she traveled up there, and she wanted to go up there to talk to these senators, there is a sense from the source that she over her ability to woo them over. that was a big preexisting condition for her. as dana just pointed out, she didn't win over susan collins who was quite important to her. >> david, what do you make of this? is this just a sign of how partisan things have become or was it pretty clear from as soon as the controversy over benghazi, the comments began that it wasn't going to happen? >> i don't think this is just about partisanship. and i don't think it is just good benghazi. that was an issue of course. but in this case, there are a number of senators on both sides
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to the aisle that believe the united states has tough work ahead in international relations. someone has to negotiate with the iranians to make sure we don't get into a conflict there and someone with a toughness and authority of a jim baker and frankly, there was a sense about susan rice that even though she is very talented and i think she did a generous thing today by withdrawing, she really was loyal to her president by him doing that. but there was also a sense that she didn't have the weight. she didn't have the background that senator kerry does. and he is extremely schooled and knows the rough parts of the world. there was a sense in the senate that people there would just be more comfortable with him representing the united states. >> david, what do you think this says about president obama himself. it seems like, especially in the last month or so, that he was digging in his heels preparing for a fight. >> well, it did seem like that. and there was also, you know, there have been various reports
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that he's been agonizing over this choice and in a sense she let him off and recognizing a knee and removed it. and i -- but i think one can read into this, that he doesn't want a series of fights with republicans across the board. he's got a big fight on his hands on the fiscal cliff. and you know, it may be just one struggle too many when he wants it get his second term off and running and he doesn't want to be ensnared like this. it happens to presidents and as we have had really good people who have not made it through this process. i remember so well the iconic figure ted sornsen named chief and it was dead after a time. ted sorenson went on to great things, but this will be always be a tough chapter in his life. >> you said the senate was comfortable with john kerry. i think in a way the senate would have been more comfortable with susan rice. it is not that he doesn't like john kerry.
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john kerry helped him out during debates. he's known him for a long time. susan rice is a dear old friend and there is another issue here which is the question of diversity. because it sort of all stacks up as we think it's going, it looks like the top four cabinet posts can now potentially be filled by men and i'm sure that that's something that the white house really is thinking about. >> this team that looks to be falling into place, talking about republicans for defense, to replace panetta, does it seem like a team that can make it through confirmation into senate if john kerry is also involved? >> it does. unless there is something we don't know about. for example, tom daschle, certainly very important member of the club, the senate club. he didn't make it through because there was a surprise issue with his tax returns four years ago. with regard it john kerry, even the republican leader late today said kind words about him. it is virtually sure that he is going to get through the senate
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because he has been vetted in many ways because he was the presidential can candidate. you know, you don't get more vetted than that. with regard it chuck hagel, same thing. he is somebody who didn't have the closest relationships here but the fact that it would be a bipartisan pick because he is a republican would go a long way likely. it does look like it is shaping up. one thing about susan vetting here on capitol hill, and it is national security adviser. that's more inherently political, a job inside the white house and more importantly she wouldn't need senate confirmation. >> thanks very much. politics and high stakes. when it comes to the taxes you pay, size of the government and the economy that works. john boehner is back at it, meeting tonight, trying it once again to reach a deal on the fiscal cliff. the question is, will it be any different this time. >> hey anderson, tonight the two men met for 50 minutes the oval office as they struggled it find way out of stalemate.
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so far, no word of the break through. both aides describe the conversation as frank and we're told that lines of communication remain open. now, that is political speak and i will translate it for you. frank, that generally means that conversation was somewhat tense of lines of communication remains open. that means that the two mens' staff will continue talking and there is no current plan for the two men, the president and speaker boehner, to have a follow-up meeting. >> after yet and speaker boehner does plan it return home to ohio tomorrow. now that's a challenge because for a deal to come together, because they are running out of time. they are all about out of time to get a deal done before the christmas deadline and next to out of time to get one done before the new year. anderson? >> jessica, thanks very much. let us know what you think.
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can you follow me on twitter right now. i will be tweeting tonight. next, outbreak of deadly disease and allegations of what officials at one hospital knew about the risk long before anyone died. [ male announcer ] this is steve. he loves risk. but whether he's climbing everest, scuba diving the great barrier reef with sharks, or jumping into the market, he goes with people he trusts, which is why he trades with a company that doesn't nickel and dime him with hidden fees. so he can worry about other things, like what the market is doing and being ready, no matter what happens, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense, from td ameritrade.
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and those dealing with grief don't have access to the professional help they need. when you see these issues, do you want to walk away or step up? with a degree in the field of counseling or psychology from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others. let's get started at keeping them honest now, looking for facts tonight, not offering opinions or playing favorites. our goal tonight is just real reporting, as it is every night, finding the truth and calling out hypocrisy. tonight the stakes are life and death. every year millions of americans that put their lives on the line for our country put themselves in hospitals. tens of millions get treatment in virginia clinics and deserve the best care possible. certainly none should expect a trip to the hospital might make them sick or kill them. one pittsburgh area family said that is exactly what happened to their dad and there could be more cases like his. he was treated in pittsburgh's va system, one of the most highly regarded in the nation and may have died because of
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what he caught there, legionnaire's disease, an infection that spreads in contaminated water supplies. what makes this story even more troubling is the evidence cnn has uncovered. it shows that hospital officials knew about the problem and yet apparently they failed to fix it. since january of last year, last year, there have been at least five cases directly traceable to the va hospital system in pittsburgh, but only last month did the va admit they had a problem with their water supply. they said so in a news release and issued two more, including one that said the problem has been solved. apart from news releases, though, they're simply not talking. however, drew griffin is investigating. >> he firmly believed that the va was going to give him the best care they could possibly give him. >> knowing what you know now, did the va give him the best care possible? >> no. no, they didn't. i mean i can say there was
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strong negligence on the va's part. >> bob nicholas is talking about his father, bill. a world war ii navy hero, who would drop into hostile waters to save downed navy pilots. but bill nicholas died the day after thanksgiving from heart failure and legionnaire's disease. he contracted it from using the water at the va, which was contaminated with high levels of a bacteria, the cause of legionnaire's disease. two other families are wondering whether their veterans contracted the legionnaire's disease that killed them from this same pittsburgh va. cnn has now learned that hospital officials knew they had a problem with the water system as far back as december of last year, but chose not to reveal any of that publicly until a month ago. >> being a veteran myself, i'm shocked and appalled that the va would put their veterans in that type of situation. >> records obtained by cnn show that over the past year, the
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amount of disinfectant in the va's water was less than the amount needed to prevent the bacteria from reaching dangerous levels, and internal records from a water quality company called liquitech show that in december of 2011, an inspection show they have legionela, systems not being properly maintained. five months later the problems continued. obvious evidence that the systems had not been properly, regularly maintained. liquitech is the contractor who installed the va's water system, and a system like it in hundreds of other hospitals across the country. he says it is inexplicable that the va hospital in pittsburgh knew it had a problem, was warned about it and did not fix it. >> they were not cleaning the flow cells, not doing the monitoring, not doing the things necessary for the efficacy of the system.
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>> did you tell the hospital? >> yes, we did. yes, we did. we told them -- we actually had two audits and told them twice that they were deficient in their maintenance. >> what is so frustrating is if the system had just been maintained, if the hospital had just listened and made simple adjustments, he says he believes lives could have been saved. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> 100%? >> 100%. >> as is done in all the other hospitals that you service? >> yes. >> this outbreak was absolutely preventible. >> dr. janet stout with her colleague, dr. victor yu worked for more than 20 years at this same pittsburgh va hospital researching legionnaire's disease. they were pioneers in the field, developing the copper silver ionization filtration system which is still being used as pittsburgh's va and in hospitals
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nationwide. six years ago in a controversial move, the doctors and their legionella research lab were told by the va that their services were not productive and a drain on clinical resources. the doctors say for a decade before they left, not a single patient got legionnaire's from the hospital's water. she says if she were still there monitoring the water, this entire tragedy would have been prevented with the turn of a knob. >> so this is not, as they say, rocket science. this is straightforward. >> so what went wrong? our calls and e-mails to the va went unanswered, so keeping them honest, we went to the united states veterans administration hospital in pittsburgh in hopes of getting answers. we were met by four armed federal officers. >> hey, how are you? drew griffin with cnn. >> we're with the va police. >> yes, sir. >> this has not been approved by our public affairs office. i cannot allow you on the property. >> i'm calling public affairs right now. >> okay. >> would you you like to call
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them. >> i can't technically call them. would you like to take the cameras back across the street? >> hold on, i'm on the phone with them. >> after yet reaching just a message machine, the officer told us to leave. >> who told you to kick us off of here? >> it's our policy actually. >> your policy? we can't stand on united states government land with a camera? >> without a legitimate purpose for being here. >> i'm trying to find out why these patients died. >> and being news media while recording, i'm going to have to ask you to leave until it's approved by our public affairs office. >> instead of answering our questions, the va spokesperson has released three media advisories, the last one on the day we visited read in a voice mail. >> va is committed to providing safe facilities and quality care for veterans. >> the advisory goes on to say that an investigation is under way and that -- >> testing results indicate the remediation at pittsburgh va medical center university drive has been successful. >> bill nicholas' flag still
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flies on the front lawn that he mowed himself. he would have turned 88 this past weekend. instead of celebrating his birthday, his family held a memorial service. >> they should have the best and utmost care that anybody else, even better than a normal civilian. they fought for their country, they go to battle, you know, they love their country and where do they go? they go to a hospital and they basically die in there. >> anderson, let me tell you just a little bit more about bill nicholas. this guy, drafted at 17 years old into the u.s. navy. he would drive 30 miles out of his way past two other hospitals just to go to the va, because he thought he would get better care there as a veteran, which is why his sons really feel let down by this. >> we know three possible deaths due to this legionella at the hospital. but there could be more deaths, right? >> certainly, all of the information ones this cases, 29 cases, is coming from the hospital. this has been going on for a
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year now, anderson. i think a lot of health care professionals, a lot of families, quite frankly, are going to look back over this year, look back at the family members they may have lost, and begin asking questions about what this was that killed their loved one. could it have been this legionnaire's disease. >> and who besides us are trying to get answers on this? is the va still refusing to talk to you? >> yeah, they will not come out. as you saw in that piece, they won't talk to us at all. the va in pittsburgh referred us to the washington pr division who sent us right back to pittsburgh. it's been a mess. but the centers for disease control and prevention, they did send a team there in november to investigate this. we're told that the investigation, the results from the cdc will go to the va in the coming weeks. we're not sure if that's going to be released to the public. >> i still can't understand why the va did nothing when they knew they had a problem? >> actually, anderson, we found out that about six months ago the va did bring in a consultant
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who made recommendations on how to fix the water, but the va did not tell that consultant that they had legionnaire's cases at the hospital. if they had told the consultants that there would have been different recommendations. the va would have been told to handle it differently. we just don't know why, because the va won't talk to us. >> that's unbelievable. drew, appreciate it, thanks. a cnn exclusive ahead. a truly breath-taking display of courage by a syrian teenager. he risked his life to save a stranger, a woman who was hit by a sniper. that's him crawling along the ground trying to rescue this lady. arwa damon's report is next. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms.
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times. their killer, their own father, who was a doctor. he's now a free man. we'll tell you why coming up.
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tonight a 360 exclusive from syria. an extraordinary display of
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bravery under a sniper's alley. a teenage boy, who risked his life, says he's no hero, that he did what countless others do every day. we're going to show you that in a moment. first, new signs that defeat could be near for al assad's regime. he is losing control of his country and admitted the opposition could win. nato's leader said the regime is approaching collapse. their comments came as opposition groups seized a military base near damascus. syrian state television said at least two dozen civilians were killed in two car bombings outside of damascus. seven children were said to be among those killed in this blast. in a nearby town, eight people, mostly women and children, were reported killed in this bombing according to state television. assad shows no outward signs of backing down and in hot spots civilians are still dying in the crossfire. now that act of incredible courage that was caught on tape. here is arwa damon's exclusive report. >> reporter: a fighter slithers
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across the street, his body covered. yards away a woman lies motionless. she's been shot by a sniper. her rescuer is not a relative, nor a neighbor. he's never met her. abdullah fahan is just 17. he knew he had to save the woman or die trying. when we met him later, he tells us -- [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: -- we had a feeling that she was still alive. we wanted to save her, to get her to a hospital. as he crawls closer, he can see her hand. her fingers shaking. cover him, cover him, someone shouts. other fighters lay down cover
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fire. abdullah quickly ties the hose to her legs, but he's unable to retreat. >> reporter: i said to myself, if i die, it's god's will that i die next to this woman, he tells us. finally, he makes a run for it, and the rebels drag the woman back. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: the woman and her son were walking right down the street there. rebel fighters shouted at them to stay away, but it was too late.
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aleppo is crisscrossed with similar sniper alleys. some are known, but others do not reveal themselves until the first shot has been fired. despite abdullah's efforts, the woman dies. her son utterly distraught. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: don't die now, don't die today, he pleads. answer me, mom, answer me. she's not dead, she's not dead, he says, as he collapses. abdullah is left wondering whether her life could have been saved if he'd reached her sooner. until recently he worked as a bakery. now like thousands of young syrians, he puts his life on the line. i am not a hero, i am just like anyone else, he tells us. and we're left to wonder, how many similar acts of courage go unrecorded every day in syria,
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and how many innocents are lost? arwa damon, cnn, aleppo. >> arwa damon reporting. there's a lot more happening tonight. here is the 360 bulletin. the taliban has taken credit for a suicide bombing in afghanistan that killed at least three people, including one american. the attack happened near kandahar's air field just hours after u.s. defense secretary leon panetta left the city. for the first time we're getting a look at north korea's first apparent successful launch of a long-range missile, courtesy of the state-run news agency. the country's leader celebrated with soldiers. the remains of music star jenni rivera have been identified and returned to her family. rivera and six others are believed to have died in sunday's plane crash in mexico. the cause of the crash is under investigation. and two men arrested in a murder-for-hire plot were planning on castrating and killing justin bieber, that's
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according to police in new mexico and vermont. the suspects, a convicted felon and his 23-year-old nephew, were allegedly hired by an inmate in new mexico infatuated with the pop music star. anderson? >> thanks. much more ahead, including a mother's grief and outrage. her young son and daughter were viciously stabbed to death by their own father. he confessed, but now he's free. coming up, his ex-wife's fight to make sure no other family suffers what she has endured.
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a mother whose young children were viciously stabbed to death is reeling tonight. their killer is back on the streets. he was released from a mental health facility just yesterday. the case is as controversial as
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it is horrifying. 5-year-old olivier and his 3-year-old sister were stabbed to death in their own beds. each child had over a dozen wounds. as horrible as those facts alone are, the rest is worse. their father, a physician, is the one who killed them and he confessed. but a canadian jury ruled that he wasn't criminally responsible because of his mental state at the time. instead of prison, he was sent to a mental health facility. now he's free and he has no criminal record. his ex-wife, who's also a doctor, fought hard to keep that from happening. paula newton has more. >> reporter: as isabel gaston pours over her own children's autopsy reports, she wishes she had no idea what they meant. but as a physician and a coroner, she knows it's true. her children suffered long, gruesome deaths. >> i knew that it was not a short death. my little boy received 20 -- 20 stabs of a knife.
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he had seven marks of defense. he had no wound that was the one that gave him death. >> there was no mercy? >> no. my little girl had 19 wounds. maybe she was luckier because she had one that was more mortal than the other, but she felt the 19 shots for sure. >> reporter: but this was no random act of violence. the knife was wielded by the children's father and gaston's ex-husband, cardiologist dr. guy turcotte. >> to know that my children faced the person that they should trust the most and they were left by themself to die, no one holding their hand, i
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struggle, okay. i struggle all the day, every day of my life, and until i die i will struggle. >> the doctor admits he killed his children in 2009, and yet now he is a free man, even possibly free to practice medicine again. in 2010 a canadian jury failed to convict him of the murders, finding him not criminally responsible due to mental illness. he killed his children on what was supposed to be a family movie night. this surveillance video shows him renting videos with his children just hours before he brutally stabbed them in his bed. these were troubling times for the doctor. he was separated from his wife. she had left him for another man. he said he suffered a blackout and does not remember stabbing the children. the verdict is being appealed. >> do you believe he was mentally insane when he committed the murders, and do
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you believe he's mentally insane now? >> no, no. >> why? >> why should i, that i don't accept he is mentally ill, when i look at the facts, okay. we have a person that's a cardiologist that has never had a psychiatric incident, never, not at all. >> the jury believed the testimony of two psychiatrists presented by the defense. they testified that the doctor could not have known what he was doing when he repeatedly stabbed 5-year-old olivier and 3-year-old ann-sophie. >> i'm a little bit mad because i have to respect their decision, so it confronts me and my values, but i think they didn't do their job. >> reporter: the doctor is now a free man with no criminal record, and he says he's not taking any medication for mental illness. the only conditions of his release are that he continue with therapy and stay away from
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his ex-wife and her family. he must also go before the review panel that released him in a year. the medical professionals currently treating the doctor and the psychiatric experts who gave testimony at his trial have told cnn they do not wish to comment on the case. dr. gaston says she fears for her life now, and believes the psychiatrists that testified on his behalf did not evaluate him long enough. she is calling for stricter guidelines when psychiatric testimony is presented in court. she says she has never believed her ex-husband was mentally ill, and even if he was, he could not now be cured in little more than three years. >> what i'm saying, i have question. i'm a mother but i'm also a doctor. >> you hope it will help other victims in the future? >> yes, i hope. and you know what, i'm very convinced. i'm willing to lose my health, i'm willing to lose my economy status, i'm willing to lose my
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professional status, i'm willing to lose my life. i'm willing to go very far in this battle. and i'm really, really convinced that it has to change. >> did you ever ask him why he did it? >> i wanted to ask him, but, you know, the response that he's going to give me, if he doesn't tell me the truth, that is my truth that i know is for vengeance, you know. he will invent everything, and that's what he did in court, you know. >> and dr. gaston says she believes it will be an important test case to possibly limit claims of mental insanity and better scrutinize the medical evidence needed to prove it. >> that is such a horrific crime. paula newton joins me now. paula, what's been the reaction to this release? >> reporter: outrage really throughout the country, felt most acutely here in montreal here today, anderson. everyone was talking about it.
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the outrage stems from two thing. one of the things in the headlines, look, anderson, this guy stabbed his children 46 times, he confessed to it. he served 46 months, not all of it in prison. he is a free man right now. add to that that the mental facility actually said, look, this guy does present a risk to society. we don't know how he'll behave in the future, but he needs to be free and we can manage that risk. anderson, i'll remind you, there will be no police officer following him around. not anything like that. and the public wants to know why. >> i mean that's just incredible. for such a short amount of time that he actually was in this mental health facility. what is next for him? >> reporter: well, this is the other outrageous thing people are telling me. in his testimony as to why he wanted to be released, he said he wanted to lead a normal life. he's going to apply again to practice medicine. he is a cardiologist, he doesn't have any complaints against him in terms of the kind of care he had for his patients. he is free to be a doctor again if he gets licensed once more. and again, the only thing that
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the mother, isabelle gaston keeps relying upon is an appeal in the new year. >> that's just extraordinary. we'll continue to follow it. thank you. still ahead, a murder mystery with a twist. dolphins are turning up dead along the gulf coast but who or what is killing them? ed lavandera has a special report ahead. there's the sign to the bullpen. here he comes. you wouldn't want your doctor doing your job, the pitch! whoa! so why are you doing his? only your doctor can determine if your persistent heartburn
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murder mystery along the gulf coast is deepening tonight. mutilated bodies of dolphins have been washing ashore all year. in recent weeks the pace has picked up dramatically. as many as ten dead dolphins have been found. the discovery is gruesome, disturbing and frankly baffling. could it be the work of some kind of a serial killer? if so, why would anyone want to harm dolphins. that's what a lot of people are wondering tonight. the race to solve the mystery has been intensifying. ed lavandera reports. >> reporter: the hunt is on. >> we're going to do a routine safety check. >> reporter: for a dolphin killer. >> the dolphin case is in the back of your mind? >> right. we're not going to come out and ask him are you shooting dolphins. >> permission to come on board? >> we're going to look and see if there's any evidence as far as firearms and such like that. >> firearms? guns. >> reporter: officer leo degeorge and a mississippi
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marine patrol unit are searching any boat they can find, trying to unravel the mysterious and disturbing case of murdered dolphins washing up along the gulf coast. >> i'm going to go down below and take a look, see what i can find out. >> reporter: there's a growing sense of urgency. between january and november of this year, seven slain dolphins have been found. but in the last two weeks, two more dolphins and a part of a third washed ashore. some have been shot, some mutilated with tails and a jaw cut off. only the head of one dolphin was recently found on a beach. many pictures too gruesome to show. >> so the one thing it all has in common is all these dolphins have turned up along these little barrier islands along the gulf coast? >> that's correct. >> reporter: moby is the lead biologist at the institute for marine mammal studies in gulfport, mississippi. he's analyzed the corpses of all the dolphins for federal investigators at noaa, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. there now could be as many as ten murdered dolphins, the majority discovered in the last
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two months. >> what do you take away from all that? >> well, it looks like somebody is deranged. it's really senseless. it's repugnant, it's illegal. i don't understand what type of person would do such a cruel act. >> reporter: when we first started asking questions about the dead dolphins a few weeks ago, we asked federal investigators if they thought this could be the work of a dolphin serial killer or killers. they told us then that that was not one of their theories, but since then, three more dolphins have washed ashore, and those federal investigators now say they can't comment on an active criminal investigation. >> you've seen these animals up close. were you able to see anything that kind of leads you to believe that it might have been the work of one person? >> well, it's really hard for us to do, because all we can do as scientists is report the fact, the investigative agencies and people who are trained to determine what kind of connections and what type of profile a person has. >> reporter: federal investigators told us a few
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weeks ago they think the murders are not connected. but along this coastline today, many people are wondering if there's a deranged dolphin serial killer or killers hunting these beloved creatures. on patrol, wild dolphins bob up and down all around us. the mysterious string of dolphin killings is something these officers have never seen. >> what's your biggest fear about the way all of this is playing out? >> the biggest fear? more of them. and why would somebody do this? i don't know how they're getting a thrill out of this. >> reporter: and the search intensifies for a predator lurking around these waters. ed lavandera, cnn, on the mississippi sound. >> well, now isha joins with us a 360 news and business bulletin. >> anderson, british police say the woman who who took a call regarding the duchess of york committed suicide. she left three suicide notes.
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fiscal cliff fears on wall street, dow dropping 74 points. despite the release of upbeat economic data. now many merchants are sweating it out. in washington some community leaders are pointing to a local initiative to prove that even tough economies can be beaten. tom has tonight's american journey. >> you ever travel around the whole world, what you will notice is this is the normal way to do business. >> far from the malls in the middle of downtown d.c., the holiday market is once again swinging to life with old world charm. for eight years now, even through the darkest days of
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recession it has been a steadily growing story of success for hundreds of artisans and draft dealers selling product from around the globe. michael helps run the market which was started in part it draw more shoppers to the area. how many people come through here? we're getting about 10,000 people a day. it was so crowded, i think the number might have doubled. >> ashley robinson is a soap maker from virginia whose inventory has already almost sold out. >> oh, my gosh, we brought a bus and we almost emptied it. a bus full of stock, yeah. >> ron came all the way from texas to offer buffalo hats and you've sold how many? >> about 200. >> in what period of time? >> a week. >> a week. >> yeah. if you walk up and down the street here, you will see a bunch of them here in the next couple of hours. >> the market has proven a great place for vendors to test products before opening
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traditional brick and mortar stores. >> without the burden, of jumping into the deep end of the pool with rent and insurance and all of the heavy duty investment that you have to do. but once you know you're going to be successful, now can you go forward. >> and you've had that happen here a lot. >> we have. >> stalls are so prized and space limited, there is not enough room for all of the vendors that want to be here. but for those chosen each year for a few lucky weeks -- >> let me just put it on there. >> the holidays are truly cause for celebration. >> oh great. thank you. >> cnn, washington. >> and it is good to see. anderson will be right back with the ridiculist.
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time for the ridiculist. tonight we're adding something i'm calling the cnbc danger zone. no, that's not the name of a new show where maria bartiromo and warren buffett go rock climbing. though frankly i think it should be. the cnbc danger zone is what happened when glenn hubbard sat down for an interview with melissa lee. everything was going fine until i can only assume the nbc peacock got a little fiesty off camera. >> they either have to raise taxes or cut some other spending. that forces the congress to think about the mix between taxes, spending outside of the entitlements and spending on the entitlements. that's just not something that our framers thought about because we didn't have a welfare state in those days. >> first of all, i love how he
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continued on, making his points. that is what you call a pro. second of all, you will not see cnn guests running into that problem. we do not waste our money on fancy, dangerous signs for our remote locations. all david gergen needs is some lip gloss and a lava lamp and he's good to go. cnn anchors have encountered some on-set mishaps and it turns out it is a global problem. [ speaking foreign language ] >> loosely translated, that was damn you, wolf blitzer. of course there are a lot of potential hazards for folks on tv. sometimes a sign falls, sometimes the lights fall and sometimes as our friend from wsmv reminds us, even the reporter falls. >> and look, they're big. this one is about 12 pounds, but they can grow to -- [ laughing ]